Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

A dear friend from London made this Nativity for our family. It reminds me that the greatest of all simple joys was the long-ago birth of that Babe in Bethlehem.  It also reminds me that we rejoice in Christ's birth because of His life, His Atonement, His death, and His Resurrection. The complete and unconditional love--for us--of our Savior Jesus Christ and of God (His Father and ours) is manifest in this Gift we celebrate at Christmastime.

simply wonderful joy: pure and eternal love for each and every human being

Sunday, December 9, 2012

seasons and specks

Time passes and seasons change, at least here in North Idaho.  
Strangely, there's a bit of comfort in the knowledge that there are things outside of my control. I suppose it's knowing that I don't have to be responsible for them.  No matter what I do or don't do, the seasons cycle round, the sun rises and sets, and life goes on.  I'm just one speck in the universe, yet a small act or word of mine can have great impact, 
for good or ill.  

I want to be a force for good.

                                          simple joy: nature's majesty